About Us

Data Rockstar is Lexer’s retail brand and community platform created to showcase how a Customer Data and Experience Platform (CDXP) like Lexer helps deliver personalized and engaging customer experiences at each step of the retail journey. Behind every Data Rockstar touchpoint is Lexer’s technology, connecting myriad data points and inspiring experiences.
Our mission is to build awareness and establish a community through meaningful experiences, using customer data to amplify performance.
To get to know Data Rockstar, we would first like to introduce you to Lexer. Lexer is obsessed with solving retailer’s problems, and is the only CDXP built specifically for retail with native tools to support every client. From the beginning days of Lexer, our founder Aaron Wallis designed a METADATA t-shirt that looked just like Metallica’s logo—and, as they say, the rest was history. The t-shirts were a hit—with the team, our clients, and everyone who walked past us on the streets. Up grew an opportunity. We knew retailers were bored of the tacky trade show t-shirts that went straight to landfill. We wanted to create something different. Something exciting. Something that stood out to retailers who recognized the importance of customer data, but struggle to use it to engage with their customers in meaningful ways. From there, Data Rockstar was born.
Data Rockstar is aspirational yet inclusive, and a community for retailers to join. Our goal is to change the perception that customer data is only for technologists, data scientists, and analysts. Data Rockstar focuses on the humans behind the brilliance, acknowledging that it takes people, processes, and tools to amplify performance with customer data.
We believe all retailers are Data Rockstars, they just need the right tools to unleash their stardom.